
Products Details

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Lumex 5ml

  • Lomefloxacin 0.3%


Indications: Bacterial infections, including conjunctivitis, blopharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis which are due to Lomefloxacin susceptible germs and Staphylococcus aureus-induced corneal ulcers.

Dosage & Administration:

Dosage and adminsitration: Adults and children (Above 1 year of age) Apply 2-3 times daily 1 drop into the lower conjunctival sac. At the beginning of the treatment applications should be more frequent, apply 5 drops within 20 minutes of 1 drop every hour during 6-10 hours. Duration of the treatment: 7 to 9 days. Ear: The area should be cleaned and 2-3 drops instilled thrice to four times a day and at night. Otitis externa: One or two drops is instilled into the infected ear every four hours. Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredient of this drop or to quinolones. Precautions: Long term treatment with antibiotics may enhance development of secondary fungal infections or may support growth of non susceptible bacteria. Some solated cases of phototoxicity have been reported after topical ophthalmic use of Lomefloxacin. Nevertheless, during treatment with Lomefloxacin intensive exposure to sunlight or UV-radiation should be avoided. Pregnancy and lactation: Animal studies revealed that after systemic use 20 mg/kg Lomefloxacin passes the placenta barrier and is excreted into the matemal milk. Clinical studies on the use of Lomefloxacin eye drops during human pregnancy or lactation are not available. Therefore, the drug should only be used when the benefit outweighs the potential risk for the foetus or the infant. Side effects: Slight and transient burning immediatey after instillation of the eye drops has been reported in 4.7% of users. Although Phototoxicity has not been reported after ophthalmic use, photosensitization is possbile Since the following allergic reactions have been reported after systemic use of Lomefloxacin, they can not be excludes after topical, ophthalmic use allergic reactions, asthma, dyspnoea, urticaria, erythema, pruritus, and hypersensitization.